Catholic Bishops and Papal authority do not legislate terms in American politics. Catholic nun’s hospitals do not have to be obliged with health care reform decisions. The right wing moral authority is not moral and has no authority in the secular application of political social reform.
Christians can buy politicians with a voting block as easily as a lobbyist can with money. Both corrupt the system with vested interests. We are asked to accept on faith that which is unexplainable, Heaven, Hell, God and miracles, trickle down economic philosophy as well. Religion is big business very big. And must be treated as such, Lobbyists cannot be tax exempt.
For the large part the American people are smart enough to see past the blinders of absurdity this religion has become. America never was a Christian nation it was a mosaic of religious diversity. And now the American Taliban is trying to take over. Well let them try but first they must refute some of their most egregious claims.
In respect of the concept of intelligent design, I saw a five year old boy say that it was ridiculous to suggest the world was only six thousand years old. From GW Bush on down through his born again Christian base this is the bullshit being taught in some schools. This is not good for America.
The {C} street political adulterers would have you believe that they get a pass on adultery because Jesus only wants powerful people in his court. This is another trickle down philosophy that is flawed. Poor people are poor because they lack faith. David Coe and the Christian mafia have been exposed by Jeff Sharlet with his book The Family on Rachel Maddow. However she was the only one in the main steam media who picked up on this. Oh and explore the connection between The Family, and Gays in Uganda being put to death.
One couldn’t overlook the Wasila Alaska prayer warrior and diva of lies. Sarah Palin is a member of The New Apostolic Reformation. This exalted blight on Christianity believes we must expel the witches among us. They also take credit for the death of Mother Teresa and removing the blockage over the Himalaya Mountains that kept prayers from reaching Heaven.
I have not attempted to list all of the new Christian absurdity, there is a lot more, but I do think it necessary that proponents of this faith acknowledge that there are perversions to what you were taught that now go beyond the Bible teachings you grew up with, then extended into radical extremism, and the just plain stupid category, they are now morphing into sedition
The call for pray for Obama Psalm 108/9, Is seditious. This level of intolerance must be stopped, abortion stem cell research are areas beyond religions jurisdiction but free speech is tolerated. Calling for assassination will not be tolerated it should be prosecuted. The entire Christian community should be put on notice, preach religion and do not preach politics. Law making is not your function.
Refute these facts refute the fact that you old time religion has been hijacked and held ransom by mega churches Preachers with private jets and a Jesus who now supports only those with power and influence, a Jesus who no longer believes the Meek shall inherit the earth and Gays are not made in Gods image and that the witches among us must be expelled.
Forgive me but these asshats who spew this vitriolic shit must be taken down a peg or two. America is for all Americans not just those pious self serving wing nuts proclaiming terror in the name of God.
Peace Be With You
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