

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Healthy Future

I have gone in a different direction lately by reading Blog’s less known one that struck my fancy was by MADASHELLLIBERAL. My contribution to New Healthcare ideas. As a Canadian the frustration she outlined are not mine. And hard to fathom, but for you as an American I would recommend you read her blog and follow her advice on how to make the changes necessary.
It occurs to me that during this time of financial crisis that with proper lobbying this crisis could be changed to opportunity. The President elect has already issued statements on his willingness to engage this issue and Tom Daschle is obviously qualified to implement the needed changes. From the big three up and down the line business will profit from not having HEALTH INSURANCE as an albatross around their neck. The forty to fifty million uninsured will have something they never thought possible HEALTH CARE. All America will profit from the elimination of death by spread sheet.
These changes will not come easily as the Insurance lobby sure as God made little green apples will throw up every roadblock imaginable and even those one cannot imagine, these insurance companies will not go softly into the night. Let them remain as is. Make mandatory single payer Government run Health Care, without the profit potential this will be decidedly cheaper and available to all. If you are not happy with the government scheme Private insurance is out there go for it.
I would like to state emphatically this is not a socialist or communist proposal this is common sense .And its time has come, this was never a possibility with the former administration but the past is past the present is but a moment the future is all there is.

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