

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

According to James

Earlier this evening my son in law James and I were having this discussion about the need for change in viewing spirituality. We came to the conclusion that it is no longer necessary for Priest Preachers and authority to dictate. We both agreed that neither he nor I subscribe to any form of organized religion and yet we both follow moral civilized relations with the world at large.
In the history of man it was always necessary that we have some form of understanding as to who we were and how we came to be. These were given to us by the dictates of clergy and we believed. This was sufficient at the time, however times change and those dictates did not. We today are confronted with problems that were not extant fifty years ago but the solutions we are given through this ideology are fifteen hundred years old and don’t come close to Twenty first century mans needs.
I am not suggesting that we throw out the baby with the bath water, I do not suggest the overthrow of organized religion I do call a halt to my way or the highway fundamental philosophies. Christians must lighten up a little. QUIT QUOTING ME CHAPTER AND VERSE. Start talking about what you personally have learned from looking inside or what you personally feel start talking less about what Jesus said or did and more about the here and now. Bible is just a book. The dictionary is just a book Cooking for the Holidays is just a book. Books are books being aware of whom you are and the way you personally fit the web of the world is what is important. The need for a new religion based on the demands of living righteously in this era are not so unattainable it simply takes a quiet time to entertain you own thoughts. Introspection, meditation, call it what you will. Sitting mindlessly, gazing at the fire, or the stars or the ocean, or a blade of grass. Get lost in this unknown and find God. At least that’s what James said. And I believe it!


marain said...

Yes! Yes to everything you said above.

I only realized recently that it wasn't until around the time of George Fox (who started the Religious Society of Friends, a.k.a. the Quakers) that the Bible became available to the general public, so that people had to depend on clergy to learn about what was written in it until then. I actually like the Quaker approach that the Bible is not viewed as the last word, nor is it seen as something to be interpreted literally, and that personal revelation - that we can continue to find truth for ourselves without the intervention of any outside authority - is encouraged and valued. The point I'm trying to make here is not that you or I or anyone should join the Quakers, but that there do exist religious groups that are very tolerant and open - if not even aligned with the views you have expressed here.

Tango daddy said...

Thanks for stopping by marain it's nice to get feedback in comments as I often feel very alone while sitting here and pecking away sometimes I loose track of just how radical Ive become or how far from mainsteam these thought are when thrown out there. Nice to know I am not alone SEE you soon.