

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

TIMSHOL the most important word in the Bible?

John Steinbeck should be required reading and I am sure he is. This author was one of my favorites 40 years ago. I haven’t picked him up since I put down Travels with Charlie, when it first came out. However if you ever read him some things stay forever. In his novel East of Eden with the Trask bros as a portrayal of Cain and Abel, Steinbeck weaved a story I have largely forgotten.
For whatever reason the part I did recall and the part of that book that brings me to this post is the story of Lee the Chineese cook who was employed by the Trask family. It
seems that Lee was not content to be just your average inscrutable China man nor simply a cook. Lee was an intellectual, and a seeker of truth. Lee joined along with others a group to study Biblical Hebrew. I recall thinking that strange I recall being unable to relate a lowly Chinese cook as having the intellectual capacity to understand this kind of obscure philosophical complexity as one verse of Geneses was troubling to him.
This is not the average ending to an American classic novel, and yet it is. It all came down to the translation of one word “TIMSHOL”. From the two differing tanslations of the New Testament the King James Version states with Biblical certainty that Timshol meant [Thou Shalt] rule over it. While the American Standard translation has this word as meaning [Do Thou] rule over it.Lee was conflicted by the apparent opposites in meaning as this was a seeming important part of the demands made on Christian followers. That being said he took this dichotomy to the experts and with two years of scrutiny by Hebraic schollars they came to the conclusion that both accepted translations were wrong, and that the word Timshol would be most accurately translated as [Thou May] rule over it if you have the ability and free will choice.
The enormous difference between shall and May are in a direct proportion to the number of times they are used in his infallible book the Bible. It has always been my contention that anyone preaching chapter and verse might as wll read the phone book as that would be more accurate. The phone book is a first eddition well edited for accuracy. The Bible is in its seventh translation from its original script. This was written two to three hundred years after the event. It would not be easy to compile a phone book that was accurate for three hundred years ago
Thou May Rule vs. Thou Shalt Rule take on a whole different concept regarding church and state. It appears to me that it is no longer a mandated direction church must take at governance but one of secondary signicance. The church does not have the ability as there are proclamations to the separation of church and state.Further as a church you do not have free will choice.
The Christian religion must come forward into the Twenty first century. No longer can the hollow rhetoric of chapter and verse hold sway over those governing. It is important Christianity survive, it can do that by encouraging the following to make free will choices this new tolerance to the individual would be furthering. HAPPY NEW YEAR and

Sunday, December 28, 2008

No Fools Here just Passionate Bloggers

Even a Fool can teach a Wise Man Wit.
I believe that is a quotation from Shakespear but I might be wrong and I don’t care. Think about it and it is truth without having to think. There are journalist’s news reporter and celebrity figures everywhere trying to influence your thinking, your concepts, ideas and actions. Sex sells and Saraha sold her soul.
There are serious web sites out there where you get all the daily feeds and information in real time. These sites are oh so very important, but I am here to tell of sites less traveled and oh so very important for a different reason. These are sites driven not by corporate agenda but by the heart of real people. People like you with an attitude, people with a bitch or an itch that needs scratching. People with a message for all who have ears to hear.
I recently started this blog site and didn’t know shit from shinola still don’t but I watched the godess of blog Arianna, on Larry King and she stated new bloggers should blog their passion. I have been attempting to do that and looking for others doing the same. I am pleased to report that I have found many. Just coming to grips with what my passion is, is a challenge because that is not the same as interests. In order to understand this I liken it to pornography you know it when you see it. Now some of the bloggers with passion I have found are Kay in Maine at White Noise Insanity here is a lady with a passion for making what is wrong right. Loosing GWB to the trash heap of history, high on her agenda. Mine as well but she says it better. I like Kay with my first coffee in the morning she gets my heart rate up. Sometimes sassy and irreverent but always from the heart and right on.
The next on my my list is[ Mad as Hell Liberal] she gets me going on health CARE reform issues and American Workers and speaks with an extremely good understanding of the complexities of these issues. KsLiberal considers herself a word Geek but I must point out that this is not a bad thing as it makes her post passionate and informing. I have come to the point of being excited when a new post comes up, she is loud but she hasn’t heard me after a few beers!
The last blogger in this series is another lady who most certainly is passionate and honest and again is someone I enjoy reading, [randommaraininthoughts] now that’s a blog handle, writes on issues from 9/11, to loosing a nicotine habit,and a dog named Spitball. Nine eleven, smoking and dogs my kind of girl. Some of these bloggers are new to this as am I however they all display talent and heart and I wish them all success and happiness in their passion and look forward to being in their company.
These people are not fools but they are teaching wise men wit.
Peace be with you!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

I Believe this Blogger is a Maverick

Someone that I’ve been following is Len Hart at http:// existentialist cowboy This guy is a maverick he is one unbranded calf no one owns this one, he wanders the range alone and speaks out against abuse where ever he sees it left or right or center, right is might, and wrong is fought. I have opinions and attitude, Len has facts figures and solutions.
When the truth needs telling which are both often and unfortunate Len Hart does it. One of his recent posting was one of the best researched, and most in need of being brought to the surface of comman awareness he did that and I applaud.
{Karl Rove Threatened Connell Suspected of Sabotage and Murder}. This story broke eight days ago I personally have been looking for it in the corporate media and have not found it. It’s not there it’s been air brushed from happening, not being driven. The MSM ignores all things adverse to their bottom line and the GOP and Republican party represented that bottom line The new and consolidated media does not rock the boat. The new and consolidated media does not report the news.
Responsible boggers like the Existentialist cowboy, Huffington Post, Daily Kos, Raw Story and others were all over this plane crash and the implications on the death of this man. Silence from the corporate media tells me something. And this I picked up from this maverick cowboy as well THE TRUTH IS DANGEROUS I believe that icing on the wings of a small plane will kill you as quickly as spread sheet disease. I believe that that those in power have access to vast resources and imaginative solutions. I believe that if you can conjure up a fictitious solution to a vexing problem so can those that are in jeopardy. I believe that this plane crash will be investigated on more than just the level of aviation administration but in order to make that happen it has got to be driven. Light must be shone on the investigating agencys FBI, Justice Dept. and incoming administration must recognise that this is one very fortuitous event eliminating all avenues to the truth. This is not politics as usual this is the beginning of the end. Too many people in important positions are dying in small plane accidents Mike Connell was the last in a litany that is long, but for brevity I mention only Paul Wellstone and JFK jr. Clean up America, listen to a real maverick, listen to Len.Lean on his fence and watch him ride these stories and rope their essences. We will win.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Hague is Vague

THE HAGUE IS VAGUE what does that court say?
The very fact that the out going administration is guilty only in the appearance of impropriety. That no courts have actually said guilty as charged. Let us now appoint those courts. Has any inquiry been made of the World Court? What are their view points talking points and general impressions of an American President gone rogue?
I would love to believe that no country of the world receive a free pass in this court. No one should be exempt from the established law that has been determined here. The Japanese were prosecuted for water boarding, Dick Chaney has admitted to this act, this is torture and Dick and others must come to the law. My favorite Professor used to say “There is Nothing New in the World It just happens to different People”!
The events of 9/11 2001 were not new, it just happened big time in America for the first time. It was different for the American people hence forth and for the next 7 years. But these acts of terrorism do not condone extreme interrogation techniques or acts of extraordinary rendition or prison facilities like Abu Grahib or Guantanamo. Those events did not warrant the type of terror waged upon the American people by its own government. However these charges should not be tried in house by American courts for all the obvious reasons they should be reviewed and tried under world approved standards. Those standards are not quaint.
Vincent Bugliosi has suggested that G.W. Bush be charged with murder some say that is not enough and that others be tried along with him conspiracy is not a theory it is a CRIME. The litany of abuse by the outgoing administration is long and detailed and very much in need of an accountability moment. I see the President elect with as Kay in Maine says one huge shit pile to clean up. It will not be easy but it will be necessary if the people are ever to have confidence in the rule of law again George W Bush, Dick Chaney, Alberto Gonzales, Donald Rumsfeld should be treated no differently than Billy who Farted POT DEALER. They are more outrageous than any crack addict could ever be simply because they come at their crime from a position of power and a belief that that when the President does it is not against the law. BULLSHIT the law is the law and you folks do not get to pick and choose and use signing statements to protect you asses I do not know the form accountability will come in I am only certain that it must come and that the way is now paved to truth.
For too long those doing the crimes have been framing the argument that what they do is in your best interest, not for one moment should you believe that. Lies are always in the best interest of the liar as the truth is probably dangerous!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Krista's Critters

My life was blessed with three children, in the beginning two boys. Seventeen months apart and friends and buds forever. The sister came along and everyone loved her. But she was different she was not a boy. This fact did not register on this girl and there was naught that they could do that she could not follow up to a point somewhere in their teens. Krista could ride and rope and catch a dog or tame and train a cat like no one could. But she was not a boy and as such was kept from brother shit for along time. That being the case she tried harder, she spent countless hours by herself with horses cats dogs and nature. She and her critters developed on a scale beyond the norm. I have watched her ride in darkness her horse without bridle, halter or saddle. Without any thing other than a common bond of love. Krista worked a wonder on every animal she ever encountered. The family dog Nuage was never the same after adding her to his pack because she was not a boy. He and she were buds. He was hers and, she was his and they were both together. Picture a two year old girl sleeping with her head on an old English Sheep Dog. Picture her dressing my tom cat in baby clothes picture her getting ring worm from a litter of infected kittens.
In my bio I describe myself as being anthropomorphic because I talk to my dog, well my daughter is even more so than me and I mean that in a very positive and enlightened way. Snakes know heart, yogis in jungle need not fear! Krista’s Critters never feared they went along with whatever she demanded of them and seldom was she ever bit scratched or mauled. All critters fold to her molding eventually
Today all my children are grown and I trust that whatever separated boys and girls is gone. The family is all adults and that is great but that which still stand true beyond the norm is Krista’s hold on critters. My blog sites namesake “Tango” goes totally bat shit crazy when she comes round. krista has two cats of her own both of which are very talented one plays Brahms on the Piano and the other recites poetry non stop morning to night. When she goes down town, Kit is like the pied piper of our town and has a huge critter following. Pit bulls and crows and God only knows follow Kit wherever she goes. It is amazing. I can do nothing except acknowledge someone, whose talents outperform mine in all respects canine, feline, equine, and all things critter wise. God where did all this talent come from? Oh that’s right it came from within and the knowledge that when it comes to animals if it is necessary NO is NOT an Answer, animals come first !!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

According to James

Earlier this evening my son in law James and I were having this discussion about the need for change in viewing spirituality. We came to the conclusion that it is no longer necessary for Priest Preachers and authority to dictate. We both agreed that neither he nor I subscribe to any form of organized religion and yet we both follow moral civilized relations with the world at large.
In the history of man it was always necessary that we have some form of understanding as to who we were and how we came to be. These were given to us by the dictates of clergy and we believed. This was sufficient at the time, however times change and those dictates did not. We today are confronted with problems that were not extant fifty years ago but the solutions we are given through this ideology are fifteen hundred years old and don’t come close to Twenty first century mans needs.
I am not suggesting that we throw out the baby with the bath water, I do not suggest the overthrow of organized religion I do call a halt to my way or the highway fundamental philosophies. Christians must lighten up a little. QUIT QUOTING ME CHAPTER AND VERSE. Start talking about what you personally have learned from looking inside or what you personally feel start talking less about what Jesus said or did and more about the here and now. Bible is just a book. The dictionary is just a book Cooking for the Holidays is just a book. Books are books being aware of whom you are and the way you personally fit the web of the world is what is important. The need for a new religion based on the demands of living righteously in this era are not so unattainable it simply takes a quiet time to entertain you own thoughts. Introspection, meditation, call it what you will. Sitting mindlessly, gazing at the fire, or the stars or the ocean, or a blade of grass. Get lost in this unknown and find God. At least that’s what James said. And I believe it!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

TheWorld is Very Holy

The author at{ randommarainthoughts} was instrumental in my wanting to write this post as I believe in the Fatherhood of God The Motherhood of Nature and the Brotherhood of Man. She saw God in flowers, sunsets and corral reefs, I do to. This author was a Catholic I was a Protestant who gives a shit. We have both grown beyond labels and found the common ground of spirit. When I go to bed at night I ask the great good spirit that made the lion who also made the lamb and black dogs who also made me, to make me more than I know myself to be.
The native American Spirituality has been way underrated. It is simple it is based on individual experience as to furthering ones understanding and progress through the complexities of life. Isolation and vision quest a method of coming face to face with oneself and the role one must have in life. Who among us go through this quest? Not many of us think along these lines. And even fewer hold them to be important.
This view point is valid and needs more scrutiny, this view point comes not from scribes and purported testimony this viewpoint comes from the unadulterated observance of nature and human involvement in trying to survive. At times these Native Americans ate Bear and at times the bear ate these natives.
The idea that is your own and the thoughts you develop from within are more important than any concept given you or any dogma inherent from an organized religion. These are the demands of others you must be driven by the thoughts you create on your own.
Peace Be With you!

A Healthy Future

I have gone in a different direction lately by reading Blog’s less known one that struck my fancy was by MADASHELLLIBERAL. My contribution to New Healthcare ideas. As a Canadian the frustration she outlined are not mine. And hard to fathom, but for you as an American I would recommend you read her blog and follow her advice on how to make the changes necessary.
It occurs to me that during this time of financial crisis that with proper lobbying this crisis could be changed to opportunity. The President elect has already issued statements on his willingness to engage this issue and Tom Daschle is obviously qualified to implement the needed changes. From the big three up and down the line business will profit from not having HEALTH INSURANCE as an albatross around their neck. The forty to fifty million uninsured will have something they never thought possible HEALTH CARE. All America will profit from the elimination of death by spread sheet.
These changes will not come easily as the Insurance lobby sure as God made little green apples will throw up every roadblock imaginable and even those one cannot imagine, these insurance companies will not go softly into the night. Let them remain as is. Make mandatory single payer Government run Health Care, without the profit potential this will be decidedly cheaper and available to all. If you are not happy with the government scheme Private insurance is out there go for it.
I would like to state emphatically this is not a socialist or communist proposal this is common sense .And its time has come, this was never a possibility with the former administration but the past is past the present is but a moment the future is all there is.

Pelosi What a Laugh

We are told that IMPEACHMENT is off the table. What is it that I don’t understand about why that is fact? There has been no good reason given at this point to forego that obvious tool to the truth.
Dennis Kucinich offered up in the house 35 articles of Impeachment that has gone virtually unreported in the corporate media and made one hell of a stir at the net roots. I am beginning to have a high disregard for the corporate media but not them alone as this goes equally against a complicit Democratic party. Again and again I ask what are we missing. Why is this administration not being held accountable why is government Being fractured by stonewalling obfuscation and general nose thumbing of the laws of the land. When you have a Justice Dept hijacked to make the law conform to the Presidents wishes rather than inform the President as to the legality of his desire something is wrong.. Congress and Senate write law not the Justice Dept. and not the President however just say signing statement and you know something is wrong
Something is wrong Scott McClellan has said as much and has testified under oath. Phase two of the Senate investigation has been tabled and it as well indicates something is wrong. The FISA amendments and immunity to the TELECOMMUNICATION industry Fusion centers and a whole new litany of non credible intrusions of liberty are what is in store for the future. Silly me I thought the Democratic Party was for the liberal advancement of human rights and freedoms the progressive movement in a way in which the average person was not trod upon by government run amuck.
Impeachment does not necessarily mean removal from office it does mean investigation, it does mean no more ducking subpoenas it does get to the truth and it does preclude the pardoning of associates for crimes committed, including Telecommunications companies. When we all try and teach our children that it is wrong to lie cheat and steal here we a have a President who does all three. This is not the shining example a leader should be. Where is the accountability why didn't the Religious right take a stance against these lies as the abomination they are? This administration is so in need of an accountability moment that will put a stop on its assault of the American people. Impeachment would be that stop before everyone gets a pardon. Halliburton has done well don’t you agree? Carlyle Corporation is now poised to take over a large chunk of the espionage community. The Bush family empire will go on and on and on Billions of dollars of fraud, theft are just plain unaccounted for in Iraq. And did I mention Impeachment is off the table?

Monday, December 15, 2008

The shoe seen round the world

A secret trip, a photo op and bragging on the SOFA agreement. All take second fiddle to one pissed off Iraqi Journalist with nothing more than a healthy frustration and a pair of shoes he fired the missiles seen round the world The significance of a shoe may be lost on some but not on any of Islamic faith.
The American corporate media has been going hard on this story since it started. That’s certainly one viewpoint. However the world at large is viewing this and unlike George W Bush who states I don’t know what his problem is. Most of the world does know the problem it is you Sir. The rest of the world see these pictures and understand the history of the region and are not impressed by you legacy and feeble attempts to rewrite history to conform to your vanity. In this case sir the world is rooting for the shoe thrower. Not you not America as it is. I do believe the Arab world and middle east region may become more stable with you gone Sir.

Friday, December 12, 2008


I have been a slight bit distracted as Tango has had a lumpectomy. Since he was about a year old he has had a lump on his neck. The veterinarian thought it was a benign allergic reaction to a vaccination, as this is a site most often used for injection. However the lump was growing and though it didn’t seem to bother him it did bother me. My daughter one time had a precocious little dog that was not as fortunate as Tango and the lump she had was indeed carcinogenic. No fun watching man or animal go downhill with cancer.
So I bit the bullet and committed my friend to pain and suffering to ease my fears, he was forced to starve for twelve hours prior to being admitted. I was not prepared for what I saw when he was released, this was much more radical than I had imagined. A very dopey drooling dog came home and sure didn’t think much of his medicine but like a trooper he took it and had a big ham and crumbles dinner.
After a lot of attention and a good night’s sleep we are both on the mend. He was out this am for his morning round of leg lifting and turf scattering I wouldn’t allow cat chasing today as both he and the cats need a day off. I am pleased to report that he is clear eyed and bushy no tail.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Lies are Dangeous

The other day I was wandering around Len Hart’s spread “ The Existentialist Cowboy” when I found this little gem so I picked it up put it in my pocket to save for a rainy day. Well its Monday it’s raining so here it is. A quotation by C. G Jung “A lie makes no sense, unless the truth were thought to be dangerous”
As the events of September 11th 2001 were unfolding in the following week it soon became obvious to a news junkie like me that something was amiss. Couldn’t quite put my finger on it but a gut feeling that that at best truth was being suppressed, the news media does not necessarily demand or expect answers as an investigation is underway. But as the days gave way to weeks and months, it became obvious that truth was on the back burner. Even an ex dog catcher like myself could see that Sadam was a dictator and that Osama was a Religious fundamentalist, under no circumstances would these two be in collusion.Meanwhile the President was waving the flag looking for a patriotic response the people saluted that flag, and it was reflected in his poll numbers soaring as high as they would ever go. Who knew for certain he was lying? The drums of war were beating senselessly, it was wrong and by this time it was being recognized and some were speaking out against this. Only to be beaten back and ostracized, vilified and ridiculed as being unpatriotic if you are not with us you are against us. It wasn’t until the speech delivered at the United Nations when the president delivered those sixteen words of infamy that I personally knew that he was lying.
My nineteen years of interviewing dog, owners was enough training to observe body language, and speech delivery, and state without any reserve that is A Lie. During Colin Powell’s speech I admit I was less certain but viewed it with a good deal of skepticism. From the highest tech country in the world they display hand drawn pictures of what turned out to be items of non existence Well that was along time ago and several thousand lies later, Dick and George are heading for the exit, and we the people are left a legacy of ruined military families, economy in the dumpster, world standing and respect at the lowest point in history.
The only time in my life that my father ever gave me a good spanking was when he caught me in a very obvious lie. I won’t say it stopped me from doing it again, but did serve to prove a lifetime lesson. I believe it important to the future of America that the extent and scope of these lies and acts of treason be explored. I suggest post administration IMPEACHMENT. The truth is dangerous and will piss you off.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Best Sellers List

Now in its seventh translation from the original script and translated by scribes just two or three hundred years after the event this monumental work of art is available everywhere. THE BIBLE the finest work of man the world has ever known. It is not to be denied, that this is a masterpiece of huge proportion. The “purported” word of GOD. This book has created a following of one billion people world wide. This fact did not come about easily. At times Crusades were necessary as were witch burnings an Inquisition; and just plain terror in the name of God. But it did achieve a following of folks dedicated to the infallible word of this book. They call themselves Christians. They will not be denied.
I state with no compunction that the wisdom imparted in this book is as valid today as ever it was. Also that you may lead a very happy and compassionate life by following the dogma that goes along with the organization of Christian followers. The ministers, priests, and preachers will be only too happy to straighten you out if you get twisted up in the course of living your life. Coming back into the fold is as simple as once again committing to a 10% tithe. And for those of you who never fall from the fold you shall be rewarded with life forever with the great cloud being.
I fully realize that the words I have written will be viewed with horror by a good portion of people reading, however I want you to know that a good portion of the people are horrified by what Christianity has become. Good service to the cause has not been realized by what John McCain, once called the “agents of intolerance." Intolerance with settled law as in Roe vs. Wade. Church and State should be surgically removed at the hip as they are like oil and water. Religion must soothe the inner being of each individual separate of the whole. Governance must serve the all in a secular fashion as each being equal. The two must compliment each other and they do. Government has little need to control Religious movements except in rare instance such as Jim Jones and Waco Texas. Why do religious communities need guns?
Christians just piss people off when they declare a Petrie dish more important than helping someone with a spinal cord injury or Alzheimer’s or interrupt scientific inquiry with absurd Biblical certainty. The same holds true with the argument of intelligent design and the age of the earth not conforming to the infallible word of the Bible. Give it up folks, the old order changes bringing forth the new. Give your life to God and Receive a blessing, sounds good to me, leave off telling everyone else including government the only way to do it. And we will all profit.

Friday, December 5, 2008



Thanks must be given to George W Bush. Were it not for Georges maniacal position of power grabbing the incoming President would just be another incoming president. However this one will have extraordinary power, he wont have to obey any laws because of existing executive orders.. He will be able to listen in on whoever he wants on the phone that should prove interesting.. When the going gets tough he will enlist the military to suppress whatever republican transgressors need suppressing and if need be have them declared enemy combatants and disappear them to one of the new K.B.R prisons built by George for undisclosed reasons.
Yes I think we are all going to enjoy these new Fascist crafted expanded powers the news headlines could with a little imagination be quite creative. Imagine if you will Karl Rove trying to thumb his nose and duck a subpoena , watch Karl frog march. Watch Ken Lay be resurrected and then held as an accomplice with George and Dick vs. The United States Of America
If the new president were willing to examine the past president with a view to the prosecution of crime and punishment there would need to be a whole section of the Justice Department given over to this task The Justice Dept. will no longer be run by toadies like speedy Gonzales or federalist judges Michael Mukasey But by a person of principal who can probably uphold his oath of allegiance and administer the laws of the land.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Cheney update

Imagine my delight today as I was reading Len Hart at The Existentialist Cowboy and seeing my own words from my post The Cheney Indictment. These words attributed to some bloggers that’s good, and I am thrilled, but the important part is the message is being spoken again. And to paraphrase the words of George W. Bush I get to catapult the propaganda through a serious author
That message was that a court in Texas saw that there was collusion between the Executive and judicial branches of government. That was enough for an indictment. It does not boggle my mind that in Texas these charges were dropped or quashed. These are powerful men, enough said Know what I mean nudge nudge wink wink. Can you say Don Siegelman?
There is a web site out there called the American Patriot Friend’s Network and from it I gleaned this little gem.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Normally I am a mild mannered blogger, but unlike Clarke Kent not able to duck into a phone booth and become SUPERMAN. So as a rule I usually take the side of caution and avoid conflict, making non inflammatory comments, seeking common grounds for agreement. This has always been my approach. As a young man I was instructed never to argue politics or religion. Today I went off the reservation.
Tango didn’t piss in my cornflakes; I had a good night’s sleep I just woke up feeling a need to proselytize. Shake the world a little, so while heading on down to the barbers I decided here would be grist for my mill. Only one really old dude ahead of me and no one else waiting. The morning papers headlines screaming Coalition Government? The chair is mine the old guy with his walker is gone, so Phil it looks like we get a new government, great don’t you think? NO I DON’T emphasis his. Oh come on Phil this has got to be good for Canadians. Looking at him in the mirror and he is scowling and holding scissors in his hand, I am not worried. You see Phil is a good God fearing man and likes to mention church at least once during every cutting. Now about this time another customer comes in we are both distracted momentarily but I am not to be put off this subject as I am now a part of the community of bloggers, a need for truth prevails. Phil as you know Canadians spoke but only 37% for Stephen Harper and the Conservative party. An overwhelming majority wanted a more liberal approach to governance. And a good portion of the populace just doesn’t like him and his passion of following in George W. bush footsteps. Both men their politics are way right of center and way too dependent on the religious community who they use for political gain.
It was at this point that unknown other customer and Phil went ape shit. I was looking directly at Mr. Unknown and seeing Phil in the mirror I had breached all ethics and mentioned politics and religion in the same sentence. An unheard of barbershop atrocity. The voice level of this tag team of conservative religious radicals rose dramatically as did the vitriol and pronouncement that I probably was happy with the election of Barack Obama. Absolutely delighted I said. Before assuming office looking absolutely Presidential and taking care of this bailout business in a very adult fashion don’t you agree? They didn’t agree. I was on a roll couldn’t let go, deregulation starting with trickle down Reganomics is what put America and the world on this financial crises, that and failed Bush policies, thirty years of republican corporate bullshit got us to this point. NO NO NO, it was Clinton. That was when I laughed out loud, and when unknown customer said hey Phil do you have a washroom?
Pretty much end of story got a good hair cut and when I paid and was leaving I extended my hand to unknown customer and said nothing like a lively discourse early in the morning. It made my day, but doubt it made theirs.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Just when I thought hope was a place in BC, I find hope in Ottawa. This can be a watershed moment if we do it properly and not let the right of center Conservative Party frame the argument. The people of Canada spoke and the cold hard fact is that only 37% thought that right of center Conservatives should lead the country. Thus spoke Stephen Harper and when presented with his new plan, - a no confidence vote came to be the focus. A coalition government with left of center values has got to be more favorable to Canadian lower and middle class needs than the Conservatives proposed agenda. This hasn’t happened yet but my fervent desire is that it will. My fervent desire is that Canada takes a new direction away from following the failed policies of George W. Bush and Stephen Harper.
These two have been joined at the hip in too many different secret back room deals from, hard wood lumber to the Security Prosperity Partnership and the Canadian American Military Agreement. And what was that meeting in New Orleans with George W. Bush, Philippe Calderone and thirty unnamed CEO’s all about?
A new day in American politics, adults are now soon to be in charge. And with any luck a new day and restoration of this nation, no longer slave to the same failed policies that are throwing George out on his ass with The Hague looking over his shoulder!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Trial for Murder ( NEVER) ?

Vincent Bugliosi has written another book about murder. For those of you who don’t know who this man is, he was a very skilled prosecuter who got 105 convictions out of 106 trials for felony, 20 or more for murder. This is the man responsible for putting the lobotomy spot swaztike tattoed Charles Manson in prison. With out a doubt this man is qualified to look at the available evidence and make an assesment as to the merits of prosecution.
Mr. Bugliosi has examined the evidence that was put forth for taking America to war in Iraq.The conclusion he comes to and recommendation he makes is that George W Bush should be charged with murder and tried for same.The author has effectively put the President of the United States of America on notice he cannot run and he cannot hide, there is no statute of limitations on this charge. Mr Bugliosi states he wants George W Bush looking over his shoulder for life. I believe he will as copies of this book have been sent to all fifty state Attorney Generals urging them to take on this case and offering assistance to do so. Any District Attorney that has had a soldier killed in his jurisdiction can bring forth these charges.
I would be certain that somewhere there is a pissed off prosecutor or a Mrs. Tillman or Cindy Sheehan type not satisfied with a folded flag. The arrogance and back slapping lack of remorse is red flag to bull Bugliosi. And in no uncertain terms does he describe how this bike riding Camp David trail runner President will deserve the death penalty sentence that is at some point coming his way. THIS MR. PRESIDENT SHALL BE YOUR LEGACY…

The American Canadian Military Agreement

On February 14 2008 an agreement was signed by military officials from these two countries. This agreement will allow the military from either country to occupy with police powers the other country. This can only happen supposedly when assistance is requested by civilian political officials as in the case of disaster or major medical contagion or oil pipeline disruption or civil disobedience?
Up until the year 2007 POSSIE COMIATUS was a law that prohibited the military from being deployed and having police power in the USA. George Bush with an executive order rescinded that law and now. Now what can happen is your best guess. The possibility of a police state not as much of an unheard of possibility is it?
From a Canadian point of view 18% of America oil comes from this country that is more than Iraq and Saudi Arabia combined. So I ask what are the chances that Canada will be occupied by American forces should ANYTHING interrupt the flow of that oil is this a real possibility? Should we as a sovereign country be concerned if the NAFTA agreement is not upheld or our right to refuse bulk water sales when drought threatens so much of the American south west? Would this natural disaster qualify for an un warranted demand on our natural resources ? These are all troubling thoughts however in my mind the most troubling of all is that this agreement has been SIGNED SEALED AND DELIVERED IN SECRACY. No congressional consent, no Canadian parliamentary consent, just two old boy s George W Bush and Stephen Harper playing fast and loose with executive authority.
I happened on this information via a blog site some time ago and just recently again on Daily Kos and was surprised to see the see the blogger as outraged about the American position as I am about our own . However what are the chances that Canadas, military services are ever going to be required south of the 49th?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Cheney Indictment

Now those are words we need to hear. Unfortunately it's for a conflict of interest in his 85 million dollar interest in Vanguard Group. But at least it is one rock that is being overturned in his stonewall. Who knows what will happen once investigations begin? Perhaps someone will be able to connect the dots leading to all those KBR built detention and holding centers to be used for unknown purposes.. This is a good start because at least he and Alberto are being charged Alberto with using his position as Attorney General to block an investigation at facilities in Texas..I f this story does nothing else it does establish a Judicial Political connection that undermines the integrity of the entire system in one place where it should be held highest Jail. And just what are these private prisons all about any way? Oh yes privatisation!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

One of my favorite quotes is by Woody Allan who famously said" I would never want to part of any club that would have me as a member". For some reason I always held that as some kind of truth of my being. I am changing my thinking and that is no small matter. I am absolutely inspired by the fact that two bloggers of fame have visited my site and left comments. First was Kay in Maine whose home is at White Noise Insanity and whose unambiguous oratory of the Bush family undoing of American values is best said by her..This lady has no idea, how often I take a page from one of her former sites, and state quit pissing on me and telling me it's raining, Tango really loved the petting and attention you gave him Keep spitting it serves you well... The other blogger of fame who has come this way is Len Hart as in The Existentialist Coyboy his site I have read and noted on several occasions but only after going through it a little more fully did I come To realize how readable and in tune this author is. His blog site and word exitentialist caused me to go to wickipedia and I am now not a lot farther ahead, but I do believe that a personal interpretaion of the spirit is more in keeping with human develoment than adherence to dogma and that organisation is the death to an idea. I told him he knew how to ride a story and rope it's essence..I do look forward with hope and confidence in the future and I know I will be riding fence with you both and the blogger community at large on the bullshit that is baffling brains.. Thanks for stopping by..

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Turn left at Nov 4th

I am a left of center blogger. It is now up to the net roots to reframe the argument and state at every opportunity that America has spoken the votes have been counted and it is now official the American people have dragged us back to the left of center..
Just in time the right wing Republican ,corporate, financial military indutrial complex, along with the oil companies Insurance industry and pharmaceuticals lo0bby are all going to be forced to stand down. We the people have a new leader who without doubt has listened and is working to correct the malfeasance that is strangling the common good..The obstructionism being thrown up by the outgoing administation is not only blatant its criminal from the 700B hand out, to the relaxation of environmental safeguards, reduceed standards for corporate cronies is going to pose a nightmare of trying to undue this gordean knot. I believe the plan as it is being unfolded by this administation is to bankrupt the country so that the new pres will have to put on hold the plans and promises made during the election cycle. You may be assured that the right wing corporate media will be out in full force hurling invectives at the new guy . Barack Obama raised a half billion dollars with the net roots lets get his back and not let the slime stick. In the two months left to him George can still cause a world of hurt . Lets not allow that to happen left of center has allowed a black man and that is beautiful, to take the White House from, white trash.!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Project Censoreds Top 25 Stories

This story was found at http://crooksandliars/nicole-belle/project-censoreds-top-25-stories-you
By spending too much time with my computer and not enough time with my dog, I am aware of several of these stories. They scare me as they obviously display an overreaching attempt to protect us control us and generally just screw with human rights and freedoms.
One of the most unspoken and troubling concerns I have is that these stories do not get fleshed out and driven by the corporate media. These stories are important and if presented properly and openly would sell papers, magazines, radio and TV news, people want the truth they want the news and wish to be infomed dont they? So whats the deal on suppression who profits for not reporting and being complicit? Where is this secrecy in government taking us is the corporate media agenda along with government the new law making proceedure? My beliefe is that a new broom sweeps clean and that steps are allready bein taken to reverse many of these troubling execxutive orders, signing statements and hijacked law making A new President with a degree in law, and a speciality in Constitutioal law will be a far greater benefit to the WORLD than a failed President with an MBA and a messianic approach to making America a fascist corporate powerhouse

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Two weeks ago Today

Just two short weeks and look at what has happened. The financial crisis at a time of transition is heightened even further with the auto industry being needful. A question of how many senate seats we actually wind up with. The President Elect has been demonised by a magazine article and admonished by a Catholic priest. Barack Obama has met with George and John dealt with leaks and leakers. He has also made some wise choices as to staff and basicly made no mistakes in two weeks. Is this not a new Presidential record for lack of gaffe's? Trial ballons have been sent up for Secretary of State and just today the new Attorney General has been anounced,best new story though the convicted fellon from Alaska has been defeated in his bid for senate now the senate sits at 68 Democrats. I always try to save the best for last and while Barack Obama has made milestone inroads to a brighter future in just two weeks. The brightest light on the horizon of hope is that DICK CHANEY and ALBERTO GONZALES were indicted in TEXAS. Great day don't you think?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Denounce and Reject.

During the primaries Hillary held Baracks feet to the fire when he denounced his former pastor. She stated and I paraphrase but do you reject him? Obama's reponse, and again I paraphrase well if you think reject is a stronger term I denounce and reject him..
In order to establish himself the President elect must denounce and reject torture and make very clear to the intelligence community what the rules are and inform the world at large that torture is not productive. This new administration is working hard to rid the world of extreme philosophy and terrorist threats and that it needs help from the world at large. The new president has already got the world attention the world's cooperation is now a possability

Monday, November 10, 2008

Missing e-mails give me a break

Citizen's for Responsability and Ethics in Washington along with the National Security Archives should get an attaboy from all Americans for bringing this lost White House e-mail suit before the courts.

Today US District Judge Henry Kennedy ruled on evidence that there was no complete inventory and no automatic system to insure archiving. The executive office of the President does have to answer for this.

I can not help but think that these missing e-mails must be deliberate as I find it impossable to believe that with the help of NSA and their skills at listening in on phone and internet key strokes conversations this administation is so inept as to not be able to preserve and archive e-mails a relatively simple task So the question must become what and who are being protectd and why? Will the truth ever meet the light of day or is it just not that important the National Security Archive and CREW think it is so do I..

I'm tired no more Sarah

Time to quit with Sarah
Sarah Palin like Joe the plumber are no longer center stage and do not deserve the medias fawning attention. Please let her retire to her home state and live out her political career being the fluff piece she is. There is no no substance with this person and only the potential for great governmental harm. If she is so wonderful let the GOP dust her off and pump her up and loose the next election as well. The Republicans should have learned with that charismatic George W Bush, charisma doen't work, common sense brains and policy that is meant to assist all the country not just the rich and chosen. few.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Separation of church and state now more than ever. This concept must not erode further, The intolerance that is being displayed in America today by the religious right is not acceptable. Christians do not get to write the laws on Biblical interpretation they get to obey them as written, with secular common sense.
Christians as a lobby group that’s OK, Christians as a voting group that’s OK, Christians voicing personal opinions quite all right. Christians spending millions of tax exempt dollars to overthrow settled law just pisses me off. Mormons from Utah trying to upset a California law is wrong
Christians using a wedge on voting too advance their demands look narrowly on getting their job done and ignore the most egregious faults of their benefactors wars ,economy, bankruptcy, health care failure, cronyism, LIES These things influence all Americans and are more important than overturning Roe vs. Wade, Terry Schiavo and the blockage of scientific research. Any government that does not listen to the absurd arguments put forward by the religious fanatics on stem cell research will make better and more informed decisions.
For too long the Republicans have pandered to this base of incoherent ideology as a means to win friends and influence elections the Republicans have bought the idea of a Christian moral compass, only it is off a few degrees, and way right of center.. This compass needs replacing. The poles are shifting and it no longer works, Separate Church and State.!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Nov 4 th Guess what I am watching?

It is of little doubt that the last 22mths electioneering would be anything but wall to wall coverage on CNN. But I almost lost it when it was asked how election day could be improved. How about FEDERAL ELECTION, FEDERAL UNIFORMITY of voting law and non partisan scrutineers overseeing the vote and calculating the results on paper ballots? Simple enough for other modern dmocratic counties like Canada. Canadians knew well before morning who the next leader would be and they could prove it with a paper trail. Would it be too much to ask the next administation to go retro on these electronic voting machines that have been repeatedly shown to be exploitable and or faulty. The simple act of federal law in this area would eliminate most of the problems as have developed today. Leave the high tech wizardry to CNN and the magic punditry, count paper ballots by the old rules 1 2 3 remember..

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Politicall insanity Nov 1st to 4th

Last evening Tango and I hosted the neighbours, a beer or two was raised in celebration of my first web hit, and as it turned out my first web hit was from my neighbour who just wanted to drink my beer..Our dreams of fame were put on hold.
In the cool dawn of Nov 1st I resumed my reading and finished the article that raised Tangos hackels. perhaps after the election the corporate media will explore the radical idealogical concepts of Sara Palin,s religion. And denounce and reject her and this heretical form of Christianity.

Friday, October 31, 2008

A post a toast an acknowlegment to someone named kit, on our brand new web blog you are our first hit.. congratulations No one could have been more suprised than me. Tango and I about were just reading about Sara Palins prayer wariors and it was scarring him his hackles were up and my toes tingled. WE needed a break and checked the new blog there you were talking to us we listened and heard you and were impressed by the sincere way you spoke please come back often and bring yiour friends Peace be with you. Thanks for being number one Kit..

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Initial Price Offering

Seeing as though this is a brand new adventure,I thought it necessary to inform you nameless luminaries in advance of my intentions.. VIA my private email address please do not give this out indescriminately as God only knows I might become famous.
It is said that blogging may become the newest form of brilliance. And well I am not ready for any awards just yet. But I would like your response to the issues I bring up and leaving a comment or criticism will be helpfull and that part about brilliance I just made that up PEACE BE WITH YOU

Greetings All

To all friends, family and the world at large welcome to this world and by that I mean Tango,s and mine.
This post is not so much about content as about advising all there is new blogger on the block.
Mostly I am concerned with the current events politically in the USA, but at times wax eloquently on religion and philosophy making a lot up as I go along . If you know me you are aware that I am a genial bullshitter. If you do not know me be so advised,and take what I say and write with a grain of salt.